

Companies today are creating corporate visions of their future in different ways. This is part of the leadership style of any organization. Sometimes a powerful leader can articulate his personal vision so clearly and effectively that it captures the imagination of everyone. Often the top management team formulates a picture of future directions, which it then transmits down through the organization.


Increasingly, companies are finding ways to encourage larger numbers of their employees to participate in this process. We all have personal hopes for our organizations, but until we are invited to express them, they remain unstated, often even sub-conscious. When people have a chance to state and share their vision, they discover that they are helping create their corporate future.


Organizations today know the importance of creativity. In a word of rapid change, new ideas, new approaches, new products and new solutions can make the difference between success and failure. We’ve also come to recognize how much creative people motivate others. Where we find creativity present in a group, we usually find the whole group showing more liveliness and enthusiasm for their work.


We sometimes think that only a few people are naturally creative, and the rest of us are just ordinary duffers. But children all display natural creativity. Our education and experience largely determine the degree to which our native creativity develops. Today, organizations are learning new ways to both develop and use this basic human capacity which we all possess.


There are many reasons to encourage long-germ thinking in our organizations today.  When we sit down do discuss the changes and trends in our world, we help people understand the importance of seeing beyond the immediate and short-term.  The urgency of immediate responsibilities and objectives is always with us, but we can handle these more effectively if we see them fitting into a bigger picture.


Operating out of this bigger picture means developing a new way of looking at events.  So much is changing so fast that everyone becomes confused and anxious at tires.  Learning to look for relationships and meaning in these changes can help them make sense and strengthen our confidence in the future.  Taking time to reflect on the long term makes us better able to deal with our immediate tasks.

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